Where Do I begin
Contact the Superior Building Solutions team today, we will seamlessly guide you through the process step by step no matter what stage your project.
See “OUR PROCESS” for a comprehensive guide.
Development Application “DA”:
A Development Application is an essential approval mandatory to undertake a new dwelling, renovation, or extension. The requirements of a Development Application can vary significantly depending on the type and nature of the development, but usually consists of a collation of documents that can include things such as: Application forms. Architectural plans. Stormwater and civil works plans. Cost estimate report consultant reports and the like.
Construction Certificate “CC”:
A Construction certificate follows directly after a Development Application. A Construction Certificate certifies that: The detailed construction plans and specifications will comply with the Building Code of Australia (BCA) including relevant associated structural standards and codes. The detailed construction plans and specifications are 'not inconsistent' with the development consent.
What Approvals are required to start building?
Engineering and Council Approvals
Structural & Civil Plans are the only engineering document required once you finalise the Planning Drawings when it comes to the Planning Approvals.
It can take anywhere from 30 days to get the Planning Approvals, even longer in some local government areas (that’s not allowing for a few weeks of potential public notification).
When it comes to applying (through a private certifier) and obtaining (council stamped plans) for the Building Approvals, the list of the required documentation looks something like this:
Ø Construction Drawings;
Ø Engineering Report;
Ø Energy Rating Report;
Ø Structural Calculations;
Ø Framing Design;
Ø Basix Certification
Once completed, we send all the above documents to the private certifier, who, after doing their due diligence, send them to the council for approval.
Allow between three to six months for the engineering and council approvals.
What is the difference between drawing types?
· Concept Drawings (a simple floor plan)
· Concept Development Drawings (site plan, floor plan(s) and elevations with basic measurements)
· Construction Drawings (detailed information on each plan of the Construction Drawings plus more details on footing, roofing, plumbing, electrical and cross-section construction information)
What is a Preliminary Building Agreement?
Are you planning on Building, renovating, or extending your home? Then it goes without saying you obviously want a design you love for a price you can afford. Sounds simple enough right? But how exactly do you obtain that without the help of a building and construction professional in your corner?
This is a question that stumps many homeowners, and for one reason: they don’t know what a Preliminary Building Agreement (PBA) is and why it’s so important to have one.
People often overlook this part of the building process by cutting corners and not doing their due diligence to understand the importance of these agreements, they end up paying more for their project in the long run.
Without a Preliminary Building Agreement, you could end up with a project that isn’t designed to suit your budget, a builder who doesn’t understand your needs to and inclusions and specifications that are not clearly outlined or not what you need.
In summary, by the time it comes to contract pricing, you could be left with a project you are unable to afford, and 12-18 months of time and money wasted on an approved set of design.
So, What Is a PBA?
A Preliminary Building Agreement is an agreement before construction begins, between the client and the builder. It allows the builder to collect all the information needed, such as building plans, engineering, approvals, specifications, and selections. More importantly, gain a deep understanding of the project to provide a guaranteed fixed price quote.
This is especially important for renovations and extensions, as extensive scoping needs to be detailed on the existing house to ensure that the building work can be seamlessly incorporated into the home. All this work is carried out on site.
It’s Your Insurance Policy
With a Preliminary Building Agreement, you establish a relationship at pre-construction with your builder and gain trust and transparency, an essential part of any successful building project.
With all the specifications of your project included at pre- construction, there’ll be no provisional sums, cost items or builder variations for known scopes of work.
If you work with a builder that implements a Preliminary Building Agreement as early as possible, you can be confident that your vision and budget isn’t compromised.